July 20, 2011

when the RANDOM stuff is packed altogether in a post


hey, lama gila tak post. Sorry, schedule packed! Banyak travelling, backpacking (padahal pusing tempat sama je) ye lah, Cairo dah manyak kali pegi tapi Theme Park tak sampai sampai pon. tu tak kira Pyramid kat Giza lagi, Azharian Park, banyak woh tak menyempat pergi lagi. Takpe lah, slow slow, at least Genena Mall dah sampai, heh twice pulak tuu. hahah!

After exam haritu terus ke Mansoura, then Cairo, tido rumah Farah. kesian gila ganggu dia waktu exam, tapi tak sanggup nak tido RKB. heh gila jahat :bb 
aku ni, cuti lama lama, Harry Potter 7 : part II tak tengok tengok jugak :(
duk Cairo lama lama bukan nak pegi tengok. hmph, sebenarnya nak gi, nak sangat tapi tu lah, asyik xsempat je. bia ah , next time. Its not a big deal pon ;)

Hah, pasal rumah sewa ni. Err. aku tak tahu nak cakap camne tapi Ah macam tak nak gi rumah kat Qawmiyah tu. sebab jauh dengan Zatie. yeah, pity her kalau both of us pindah dari Salam. Actually, im not sure myself. Rumah tu okay, ada perabot bagai. suka.tapi aku pun dah cakap kat Adi nak gi tengok rumah. Aku takut dia ingat aku betul betul nak masuk ah pulak. Lagipun he told baba bout this -.-' Banyak benda xsettle lagi ni. Cmne ni, rumah lain pon xcari lagi. I need more options to make a mind. hmph! 

Esok ni pulak nak ke Alexandria. Just as busy as bee. cakap je lebih. Tiket tren tak beli lagi. Pagi esok kena pi cari. aku rasa nak gi tengok rumah lah esok. tapi Ah xtahu lagi pukul berapa sampai, so aku xboleh appoint lagi kat adi. kena tgu Ah sampai rumah and bincang sama sama. And aku rasa trip to Alex kena tangguh a day -.- 

Kalau pegi tengok rumah after we back from Alex? tak lama sangat ke? aku dah la tak inform kak yam lagi ni. Aku nak cakap, dia x abes exam lagi. So, taknak ah put pressure -.- aku ni x plan betul betul. ni yang buat aku serabut sampai ke perut ni. I cant say which one I have to settle first. In the end, theres nothing that I have done. :(( I hate this kind of feeling.

July 11, 2011



fuh, lama tak coret coret kat sini. hmph, what am i up on now? -actually, im looking for a new house *for those yang duk Egypt please do keep silent okay. Im not gonna tell anyone here yet.Thankyou*  Errr. benda ni xsure lagi sebenarnya. Aku and Ah still tengah fikir lagi. As we decide on, I'll definitely tell you here :) Someone had already promote a house, err two houses actually, for us. One of them seems kinda interesting and look homey which is I do require. yeah! i need a house that can makes me feel homed. feel like its belong to me. welcoming me warmly *sentimental huh* whatever lah kan. -.-

Rumah sekarang ni okay. Bilik dah sangat lah cukup besar. Selesa gila. boleh golek golek, pum pang pum pang sana sini. nak buat marathon pon boleh *exaggerate* like seriously selesa. Wardrobe memang kecik tapi buat masa sekarang ni boleh lah nk afford baju aku tu. Ada meja study. Lengkap. Tapi kan, masalahnya..ha, let me tell you. rumah ni tingkat 5, so air susah nak naik. memang selalu je takde air. dah biasa dah takde air n. tapi, ye lah xselesa. can you imagine pagi pagi terbangun lambat nk pegi kuliah or worse, nk pegi exam. nak buat cmne? err.  Syukur alhamdulillah exam haritu tak pernah jadi macam tu. syukurr sangat :) 

One more thing, dapur sekarang ni kecik je.Well, its not a big deal pon kan. tapi yeah, masalah sama. air. nak wash dishes susah. ada je yang tersimpan dalam sink tu. What an eyesore -.- 
Then, bila takde air ni, nak masak pun susah la. hmph!
So guys, should I or shouldn't move out from the house ?

Ha, tapi kan tandas rumah ni sangat lah best. BESAR gila! like seriously luas. selesa oh. hehee. sayang toilet n. heh.

Aku seriously tak decide lagi. hmph, well. okay ah. i'll tell you when i decide ;)

ps. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dearest friend,   Hajar   and   Zafe   !

July 10, 2011

the day I was born


detik jam menunjukkan angka 8
kisah bermula.

si isteri gelisah, si suami bersiap-siap nak ke tahlil
isteri : “bang, janganla pergi
suami: “kenapa pulak?? apa yang tak kena?”
isteri : “saje...
suami: “sakit ke?
isteri : “tak la...saje
si suami memeriksa isterinya yang dikasihi..
suami: “mmm 2cm..lambat lagi tu,sempat eh...
isteri : “jangan pergi la..
suami: “kejap je..
si isteri masih berdegil tak bagi si suami pi tahlil.
si suami cek lagi.
suami: “dah 5 cm..ok,panggil bidan jap..
bidan tak datang.
tengah baca yasin.
malam jumaat.
si isteri dah sedia atas katil.
tak sempat tunggu lagi,baby dah redi.
si suami hanya sempat pakai glove.
bidan tak sempat buka instrument.
si baby dah keluar..

9.05 malam
10 JULAI 1992
jumaat malam..
sejarah terlakar...
kisah hidup seorang lagi hamba Allah bermula..
si puteri tembam ibu no 3 selamat dilahirkan..
10 Julai 2011
Genap 19 tahun si ‘baby’ menjalani hidup
Suka duka, pahit manis..
baby jue dah meningkat dewasa
usia dah makin matang
dah boleh fikir baik buruk
semoga bertambahnya angka umur
bertambah jugak iman dihati, ilmu di dada dan amal buat bekalan.
~author : ibu
Semasa dirimu dilahirkan, kamu menangis dan orang di sekelilingmu tersenyum. 
Teruskanlah hidupmu supaya apabila  kamu mati nanti, 
kamulah yang akan tersenyum dan orang sekelilingmu pula yang akan menangisi pemergianmu
jauh mana kamu melangkah
tinggi mana kamu terbang
hebat mana kamu capai
jangan pernah kamu lupa pada DIA, penciptamu..
pada mereka yang melindungmu,mendidikmu,menyayangimu
dari saat kamu dilahirkan, saat kamu belajar bertatih,
saat kamu mengenal ABC
hinggalah kamu menjadi kamu sekarang
Belajarlah bersabar dari wanita yang bernama Asiyah,
Setia dari Khadijah,
Jujur dari Aisyah,
Teguh hatinya dari Fatimah
Semoga kamu dan saya dari kalangan wanita syurga!


from me to u dear jue...
all my life knowing u,from baby jue..
fat n chubby, and now miss jue sleek and pretty..
though i don't say much but deep in my heart, i care for u
and i do love u.
semoga rahmat Allah mengiringi setiap langkahmu

* * * * *

this wonderful post was posted by my dearest sys. Im sorry i'd promoted it here. Just, yeah wanna share with you guys. Is it just so sweet? truthfully, it touched my lil heart :)

thanks kak mie.

ps. thanks to you, Ah, Zatie and Nemo for the prank, for the Angry Bird, for the cake, for the Roses. you guys really spoil me ! and soo sweet :') 

syukran ya Rabb for giving me the loveliest friends :)

July 06, 2011


Few days back, up till now, i really really really miss Anis Nadzirah. I miss her like seriously. Theres tons of stuff and things that I would share with her,but since she is at her house currently, theres nothing I can do. Aku dah call masa birthday dia haritu. tapi sekejap je. about 90mins. and aku masih sangat perlu bercakap dengan dia. I really needs someone to talk to. Yesterday unie and i plan nak skype sama sama. Then, that night, Iwe told me that Unie cant make it. dia penat T.T i really hope that Aireen or Unie online. i need them. ya know, when i'm apart from nerah. how i realize that i dont have any bff rather than her. :( I just need somebody to talk to. I didnt even know what is my problem. but i sure feel burden myself. I need a breakaway. nope, I need bestfriend. when i saw Izyan online. i was happy. but then, she wasn't infront of lappy. :( again, i frustrated. next, i chat dengan nadzrin. He kinda knew that im not in a good mood. and hoping that i would share with him. but of course not. bukan dia faham aku. he suggest suruh aku minta nerah online. tapi, tak kan lah. aku tahu susah untuk nerah online. rumah dia bukan dekat pun dgn cc. tak kan lah aku nak suruh nerah susah susah gerak cc semata mata nak dengar masalah aku yang tak seberapa. bukannya benda penting pun, emosi je.

Ahhh what the hell am i thinking. Ah, Zati, Nemo. jangan lah layan sgt aku ni.Got  nothing to do dengan sep mg. :)

July 05, 2011

parable of the pencil


The Pencil Maker took the pencil aside, just before putting him into the box. “There are 5 things you need to know,” he told the pencil, “Before I send you out into the world. Always remember them and never forget, and you will become the best pencil you can be.
” One: “You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in someone’s hand.”
Two: “You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, but you’ll need it to become a better pencil.”
Three: “You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make.”
Four: “The most important part of you will always be what's inside.”
And Five: “On every surface you are used on, you must leave your mark. No matter what the condition, you must continue to write.”
The pencil understood and promised to remember, and went into the box with purpose in its heart.
Now replacing the place of the pencil with you. Always remember them and never forget, and you will become the best person you can be.
One: “You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in God’s hand. And allow other human beings to access you for the many gifts you possess.”
Two: “You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, by going through various problems in life, but you’ll need it to become a stronger person.”
Three: “You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make.”
Four: “The most important part of you will always be what’s on the inside.”
And Five: “On every surface you walk through, you must leave your mark. No matter what the situation, you must continue to do your duties.”
Allow this parable on the pencil to encourage you to know that you are a special person and only you can fulfill the purpose to which you were born to accomplish. Never allow yourself to get discouraged and think that your life is insignificantand cannot make a change.

July 04, 2011

a wish




ps. i heart you :')

July 03, 2011

english please be good to me


Uh oh, the final paper for the final exam is TOMORROW! wait no more! *though tak study langsung lagi ni* erkk! am I taking it easily? obviously I am kan. darn it! I shouldnt do this! yeah, peoples say that dont take thing for granted. hmph, English seems like the easiest paper compared to the other four killig papers. but, of course it will affect our result too. Just thinking bout result makes my adrenaline rush. God help me! -.-'

Okay lah peeps. Wish me and my friends All the Best. May this upcoming paper will be a blast. :D
syukran awii .heh.

have a good day :)

July 01, 2011

please let me go but im not going


**note this : the title got nothing to do with the post**

first of all, welcome  JULY  ! :D

So, hopes this July bring so much more good things for me and friends and beloved family of course. insyaALLAH. and yeah, I waited for this month like forever and now here it comes. :)
 you know why?

July = end of the final papers.

July = peeps going home. :(


ah, btw today is Anis punya Mak birthday ;)



 * * *

Semalam, friends and i sleepover kat rumah zati and guess what? She just bought a hamster, Baby G. (I'd prefer Mr.G sebab aku jeles!) He's like seriously cute! and he got a panda print on his body. Black and White. betul, dia punya pattern sangatlah macam panda. Super cute :D
and si clumsy Ah telah digigit oleh beliau (baby G) hahah! oh rumie, pity u :b kahkah
 *lesson learnt ; a hamster and badak are enemy.heh
I got a minor migraine last night. :( dan zati sangatlah baik. I demand on ayam kurma and she made it. Sedap, sangattt :9 terimakasih kawan :) and for you and you. fatihah n nemo. thanks lot too!
hmph, talkin bout food.. yeah I'm terribly hungry =.=' though I've just ate a piece of bread pudding. But still.. LAPARRRR T.T
ya know, my ibu always tell me this, dont eat heavy food late night cause it will make you hungry so early in the next morning. I guess she's totally right. yeah, mum knows best kan. ;) Aku makan nasi kot pukul 11 semalam. argh, and sekarang aku lapar.