February 28, 2012

what makes stronger


I am solemnly feel sorry towards you.-- frankly speaking. But then, I knew I can't. For me to stay strong with you, is essential. I know its hard, but we will try. Remember dear, we all will be tested by Him in order keep the faith in us. Yang bezanya cuma ujian dan dugaan yang berlainan. Allah sayang, sebab itu Allah uji. I know, its easy for me to say all these but wait, bukan kah sesuatu ujian itu berdasarkan kemampuan seseorang. Ingat, Allah tidak menguji seseorang hamba melainkan apa yang terdaya olehnya. I am no good in words, worse when consoling. I highlighted a few ayat from the Holy Quran for you. Bacalah al-Quran, you'll find what you need.

ونبلوكم بالشر والخير فتنة وإلينا ترجعون

Dan Kami menguji kamu dengan kesusahan dan kesenangan sebagai dugaan; dan kepada Kami-lah kamu semua akan dikembalikan. 
[Al-Anbiyaa’: 35]

لا يكلف الله نفسا إلا وسعها

Allah tidak memberi kesusahan seseorang hamba melainkan apa yang terdaya olehnya. 
[Al-Baqarah: 286]

يا أيها الذين آمنوا اصبروا وصابروا ورابطوا واتقوا الله لعلكم تفلحون

Hai orang-orang yang beriman! Bersabarlah kamu dan kuatkanlah kesabaranmu dan tetaplah bersedia dan bertakwalah kepada Allah, supaya kamu beruntung. 
[Ali Imran: 200]

يا أيها الذين آمنوا استعينوا بالصبر والصلاة إن الله مع الصابرين

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Mintalah pertolongan dengan sabar dan solat, sesungguhnya Allah bersama-sama orang yang sabar. 
[al-Baqarah: 153]

What you wanna say, say to Allah, He listens to you. He always be. Find the love. You'll feel better. Discover Al-Quran, you'll find the serenity-- For everything happened is according to Him. Keep praying. and always be strong no matter what. We have to be strong for her to hold onto us. For her sake, never let down the faith. Allah with us insyaAllah.

February 26, 2012

dear brothers and sister in Syria,


إِذَا جَاءَ نَصْرُ اللَّهِ وَالْفَتْحُ
Apabila datang pertolongan Allah dan kemenangan

وَرَأَيْتَ النَّاسَ يَدْخُلُونَ فِي دِينِ اللَّهِ أَفْوَاجًا

Dan engkau melihat manusia masuk ke dalam agama Allah beramai-ramai ;

فَسَبِّحْ بِحَمْدِ رَبِّكَ وَاسْتَغْفِرْهُ ۚ إِنَّهُ كَانَ تَوَّابًا
Maka ucapkanlah tasbih memuji Tuhanmu dan mintalah ampun kepadaNya. Sesungguhnya Dia amat menerima taubat.

Dear brothers and sisters, be brave, be strong, Allah shall help. 

Dear brothers and sisters, don't worry, victory will happens. It will come. Its a promise. InsyaAllah..

February 25, 2012

The best sinners


Today, I learnt that if you feel shy to make du'a as you made many sins, knew that its from shaitan

cc. Fatihah Zehni

February 11, 2012

Day 6 : Irbid


The morning to Irbid was excellent. We went to the bus terminal early morning. About 9 am if im not mistaken. Four of us and abe long altogether. We rode a bus there. The journey took about an hour. Hmm, lepas jumpa amin kat depan university, kami pergi breakfast. Muiz joined us at the table. After breakfast, kami ke Arabella shopping mall. Saja tak mahu pergi town sebab takut lama and plan jugak nak pergi town kat Amman. Kat Arabella tu, I met my ex-dorm mate kat mrsm yt besut dulu. Heheh! Mimie. Huhh. After 5 years tak bertemu mata. Jumpa jugak. She’s beautiful and slim as always. Oh rasa happy sangat, rindu. Macam tak percaya aje jumpa Mimie balik. Kat Jordan pulak tu. Hee. After we prayed zuhur, terus naik bas ke Amman. Huhh! Memandangkan cuti pun dah nak habis. Terpaksa lah move haritu jugak. Hehe. Masa pergi Amman tu, Amin and Mu’iz pun ikut sama.  Yelah, baru jumpa sekejap takkan dah nak separate. Hehe!
AMMAN. Kat amman tu kami ke balad aka Town. Huhu! Kat sana, kami beli souvenirs yang nak dibawa balik. I saw a jade locket. Sangat cantik. Tapi mahal la pulak, so kuburkan saja niat tu. Hee. Last-last beli 3 key-chain. Pusing punya pusing, masing-masing beli cenderahati yang mahu dibawa pulang. Its almost Maghrib when we out of the town. Ah, unforgettable moment masa nak catch teksi ke City Mall, punya lah susah. Dah la sejuk masa tu, windy. Semua teksi tak mahu ke City Mall. Haiya. Lebih setengah jam jugak mencari teksi ni. Alhamdulillah, at last dapat jugak. Terus ke City Mall. Kat City Mall kami dinner je. Hehe. Tak pusing pun, sebab kejar masa. Lepas makan tu terus ke rumah teman arab kak maisarah. Duk situ bual-bual, then ustaz datang ambik dengan MPV untuk balik Mafraq.  Dah lah ramai, nasib baik ustaz bawak dua kereta, boleh lah sumbat-sumbat. Heee.

That's all for the day! :)

Day 5 : Mafraq (House-tour)


RABU. Balik dari jaulah hari selasa tu. Duk rilek-rilek jee. Pagi tu, semua orang 'berehat' jee. Hehe. Nak mandi, ketiadaan shampoo, so, kena keluar pergi beli kat balad dulu. Masalahnya, semua macam malas nak bergerak. Hehehe. Maklum lah, semua penat gara-gara jaulah dan sebab duk dalam bas lama sangat tadi malam. Duk landing-landing je, basuh baju sikit-sikit and wasting some times. Hee. Nak rejuvenate energy balik. Kononnye. Hmm, after Zuhur tu, baru gerak keluar. First tu, pergi balad je. Pusing jap, and lepas tu Firdaus nak belanja kami makan. Hoho. So, pergi kat kedai fast-food, sampai-sampai tu, Firdaus dah ada dengan member-member dia. He ordered our food before, so bila sampai, terus aje makan. Untung lah jiran berhati mulia gini, lain kali boleh pergi Jordan lagi. Haha. Banyak jugak yang di-order nya, ada KFC, banyak pulak tu ayamnya, and a pan of large pizza. Pizza tu sedap, ada rasa manis-manis sikit. Sauce dia kot lain sikit dari yang lain. ^^ Happy jee

Then, we went to rumah kak Putri and kak Midah. Time kami pergi tu, ada kak Putri je. Rumah dia siriyes cantik and kemas. Nampak pink jee. Huhu. Kat sana, kami di hidang kan dengan Nasi Lemak O.O ya Allah, dah lah masa tu baru lepas melantak pizza, sumpah kenyang. Tak terlarat nak makan lagi. I ate 3-4 spoons je. Tu pun tumpang-tumpang dengan Ah. Orang lain bagus betul, even kenyang, still makan jugak nasik tu. Its just me yang dah tak mampu nak makan lagi. Off-limit dah tummy ni. Hehe. After the happy meals, kami terus gerak ke rumah sasaran seterusnya. Rumah kak Raja. Hoho. Rumah ni pun cantik~~ Rumah kak Putri tadi interiornya lawa, rumah ni pulak, luaran dia ; sangatt cantik. Its inside a brick-hedge (lebih kurang la) and there was a pergola before, for grapes vines. and also lemons tree with bright yellowed lemons hanged there. Hmm, and a few roses bushes. Sangat indah! :') 
Kat rumah tu pun bual-bual je. ber taa'ruf sikit. Nasib takde heavy food. Just having tea with swiss roll. :D Perut dah kenyang. Dekat-dekat maghrib, we stepped out from the house. We went to balad again sebab kak mai nak cari jubah local. Jubah-jubah kat Jordan lawa-lawa. Seriously. Smart je :) Malam tu abe long teman kan kami cari jubah. Stop kat satu kedai je, tapi masyaAllah. lama nya. hampir 2 jam duk dalam kedai tu je. Pak arab pun dah pening. At last, kak mie bought a jubah, kak mai 3, and me, 1. Lepas tu, terus balik ke sakan. Malam tu semua tidur awal sebab esok, awal-awal pagi lagi nak pergi Irbid, jumpa Amin and adik Kak Maisarah, Mu'iz. Hee.

That's all for the 5th day at Jordan :)

February 10, 2012

Day 4 : Aqaba > Wadi Rum


AQABA. Aqaba ni pantai and it is the border of 3 states ; Jordan, Egypt and Israel. Sampai Aqaba tu, hari ketiga lagi. Dari Petra terus ke Aqaba. Malam tu checked-in hotel. Hotel murah-murah je. Penting, selesa. Lepas checked-in and tukar pakaian, terus keluar pusing Aqaba. Malam tu, shopping cari souvenirs jee. Keluar pun dah lambat. dalam 9 setengah. So, boleh pusing dalam 2 jam je lah sebab kedai pun dah tutup. Hah, I bought a pair of shoe and a comforter. Hee. *comforter kat Mesir ni mahal* At midnight, balik hotel. 

Next morning, kami naik glass boat. Wohooo! best oh. boleh tengok marines world from the boat. Cantik! :D Hah, there was a spot where a kereta-kebal was placed underwater. Just for attraction when riding the glass boat. Weird tho. Hehe. Tak apa lah. Still fun. Memang sangat seronok watching the fish and nemo and dory swimming heavenly underneath. I also saw a lionfish. Ya Allah, sangat cantik as I adore it very much *.* 

After we bought breakfast and lunch, we checked out hotel, got in bus and stop awhile at China Town. Kat China Town tu beli barang sikit, sebab harga murah. biasalah, Chinese goods. and I bought a box and a shoe rack (?) Hehe. Then, we went straight to Wadi Rum.
Fuhh, Wadi Rum was indeed magnificent and collected me with happy memorable memories. Wadi Rum ni padang pasir. A great canyon with variables shape of huge rock and hills. Ah, and the sands at Wadi Rum is acknowledged as the finest sand in the world. Whoah! :D

Sesampai di Wadi Rum, kami naik jeep. Disebabkan jumlah peserta yang agak ramai, so, ada dua jeep and we divided into two groups. Kat Wadi Rum, ada 7 tempat perhentian (checkpoint). dan setiap peserta hanya boleh pilih 3 check point sekali masuk. Kami pilih checkpoint 3 terawal + sunset site. So, semuanya 4 checkpoint. Nasib baik tour-guide tu baik. He brought us to as many places as he could in the time given. Hm, 1st check point, kita orang pergi kat hot spring. Sampai kat situ, tak nampak air pun, ada paip je. Then guide tu cakap air nya kat atas bukit, so diorang alirkan thru the pipe. Boleh lah sentuh air tu, tapi dari paip lah. Masa kat stop tu, kami solat ramai-ramai atas padang pasir. :') Lepas tu, kami ke Bukit Pasir. Memandangkan pasirnya pasir terhalus di dunia, pendakian ke atas tu agak mengambil masa. Yelah, baru pijak sikit dah tenggelam. Macam walk in the snow gitu. Eceh. Tapi, berjaya jugak kami ke puncak tu. Hehe. Berphoto shoot kejap, then kami pun turun. Haha, #funnymoments : Muraqib kata kalau nak turun kena slide, and ada beberapa yang membuat cubaan lungsur atas pasir. Hehe. Nak lungsur ke bawah, memang lah tak. Haha! Naiveeee.  :D

Hmm. macam biasa, turun lagi cepat dari naik. Hehe. Next checkpoint, a cave. The cave is one of the famous filming site. Dalam cave tu, ada ukiran-ukiran purba. Ukiran manusia. There was also a foot-print on a rock inside the cave. Kagum. The most valuable historical prove was there were also the inscription of the Holy Al-Quran. Subhanallah. Subhanallah. Subhanallah. :') Not one but two. and also, there was a kalimah syahadah engraved on the rock. :D See? Islam was there before we were born. Islam is the one and only religion. and It is the way of life. Thats why it was engraved there. Teach ancient peoples on how to lead life until its develop to this day. Allahuakbar!

Alright, lepas keluar dari gua tu, matahari kat sunsets sites dah selamat terbenam. Tapi, oleh sebab tour guide kami yang ohsem, dia speed up the jeep to the site where the sun was not yet set. Huhu. Alhamdulillah, dapat jugak tengok sunset walaupun agak terlambat. I could saw the obvious aurora from the panorama. Maginificent! :') Hmm. selepas matahari selamat terbenam, the guide tu bawa kami ke kampung dalam Wadi Rum.  Masa tu dah gelap dah, and the other jeep dah tunggu kat entrance, tapi guide tu still bawa kami ke tempat lain. kan dah cakap ohsem! Hehe!  I was actually never knew that there were still natives living in here. As nak masuk Wadi Rum pun kena bayar. -.- Hmm, after that we went to a remains of temple near the village. He also showed us the two graves of ancient Muslims. It was the last stop before we headed back to the entrance. :D Naik je bas terus makan nasi and tido. Perjalanan pun jauh lagi. Ada 6 jam untuk sampai ke Mafraq balik.

Whoah, Wadi Rum sangat awesomeee! Best sangat. Semua pun sporting jee. There were laughter and jokes that I still remember. and they still making me smile as I flashed back. Hehe. It was the end of jaulah. We went straight back to sakan from Wadi Rum. All the way back to Mafraq, I slept soundlessly ^^
Good times.

Day 3 : Petra


The 3rd day was the mooooooost exhausting. yet exciting. We spent a whole day at Petra as it is big as a country. An ancient city. built up in Nabataean period. Petra ni sebuah negeri purba dimana semua bangunan dan binaanya di pahat dari gunung dan bukit. Subhanallah. Hebatnya. Petra ni dikaitkan dengan Nabi Salleh dan suku kaum Tsamud. It was a gift from ALLAH terhadap kaum Tsamud, dimana mereka mampu memahat gunung dan bukit menjadi rumah dan bangunan.

Orang kata, Petra ni ada 7 pintu. Perjalanan untuk ke sesebuah pintu tu dalam 45min-60 min lebih kurang.
 Hmm, we kicked-off the day with a delly breakfast. Roti arab with kari ayam dan macaroni. :9 Janjinya, nak bergerak pukul 8, tapi memandangkan muraqib-muraqib 'ada masalah' so 8.30 baruuu bertolak dari Mu'tah. Mu'tah ke Petra dalam 2 hs.
Its almost eleven when we reached at Petra. Masa tu sangat excited sebab its the wonder of the World. Wohoo! hehehe. Hah! Lupa nak cakap, masa sampai Petra tu, hujan. -.-' Masa tu dok fikir-fikir, macam mana lah nak jejak Petra kalau hujan. Kan, dia berbatu-bata and tanah. Mesti challenging. Tapi, tak apa lah, adventure sikit. hueh hueh. Fyi, I wore a pair of heeled-boot that day, so I was a lil bit worried. Sebab jalan nya berbatu, plus hujan so takut licin. but, alhamdulillah, semuanya selamat. It went smoothly without any accident. Hehe :D

The first part of the road was okay. Jalann jee. Kat tepi-tepi for both sides boleh nampak macam lubang-lubang rumah zaman dahulu. Tapi, kat area tu sikit je, lain-lain tu batu semuaa. Bila masuk lagi dalam, jalan tu makin sempit as its inside hills. Hmm, how can I explain this, dia macam masuk dalam maze. Rock-hills maze. Kat dalam tu macam-macam bentuk batu ada. Sekeliling ni batu, and at the above tu nampak langit. It was fun. We walked, and walked and walked sampai lah dekat pintu 1 kot. Entah lah. Tapi, sampai lah kat satu ukiran besar, an ancient building with-milepost-at-the-entrance. The most significant structure at Petra. The muraqib told us that it was the central command of Petra once upon a time. Hmm,  biasanya boleh je masuk dalam bangunan purba tu, tapi haritu tak dibenarkan sebab under exploration lagi. Puncanya, di bawah bangunan tu ada penemuan terbaru as in there were more underneath the buliding. It is claimed that there were another ancient city underground. Wow! Subhanallah. and there was Darwin's Theory ever existed? Orang zaman dahulu dah genius-genius dah boleh bina bangunan dari bukit. Plus, Petra was build from above downwards. Bukan dari bawah ke atas. Besarnya anugerah Allah terhadap mereka.

Then, after few photo shoots, we continue our journey. Jalan makin dalam. Sampai sampai kat Mahkamah. Zaman dahulu pun dah ada mahkamah. Excellent :) mahkamah ni tinggi dan besar. kena naik tangga. Kat atas tu boleh nampak pemandangan indah. Huuu :)
Hmm, kat mahkamah ni, kami separate. 6 of us nak teruskan perjalanan while the rest dah nak balik pintu masuk sebab dah penat sangat nak teruskan. Oh, and those 6 hebat-lagi-ohsem peoples tu adalah kak mie, fatihah, kak maisarah, me, adam and firdaus. Hehehe :B *the rest pun awesomee jugak ;)*

Okay, then we walked again. Hm, we actually did stop awhile to perform asar. Memandangkan surau dah terlepas jauh ke belakang, kami solat atas bumbung. Hee. Not to mention the rain. Masa solat tu, hujan dah makin lebat dah. Berlapik kan raincoat as the sejadah. It was indeed the most memorable moments we shared. The rest of the journey was more adventurous as we need to hike to reach the end. And the most hated and exhausted part was we HAVE to climb up uncountable STAIRS. dammit i hate stairs. -.-' As we reached higher, I became more and more exhausted. Hypoxia indeed. Sumpah penat gila. Thanks to those biscuits and abg long who willing to wait for me all the way up (I was left far behind others sebab muscle's fatigue) Almost 4 pm when we reached the upmost. Hmm. as we almost finished up our walk of Petra tu, there was an old female folk greeted me saying "Good work!" and my spirited and energy level up higher because of 'ashame-ness' towards her and myself. malu kokre -.-

Hah, at last we reached the end. Oh yeah! Sangat puas hati! :D Tapi dekat situ stay sekejap jee sebab pak cik yang jaga tu suruh patah balik sebab Petra dah nak tutup -.- Ambik-ambik gambar jap, lepas tu, patah balik ke pintu masuk. We walked back by foot. sebab nak ride camel/donkey/horse-carriage/horse semua kena charge. More else, we still got energy left to stay walking. Kami jalaaannn balik sepanjang laluan tadi as it is the only way in and out. It was fun. There was no other visitors except us along the way. At first, ada jugak anak-anak arab dengan theirs' horse and donkey escorted us *padahal nak offer naik 'kenderaan' mereka* Dia orang ikut sampai dekat mahkamah, dan patah balik sebab tak dilayan. Then, kami enam orang ni pun terus berjalan. Waktu tu dah semakin gelap, ah, btw Petra tak ada lampu. So, yeah. Kami berjalan memyusuri batu dalam gelap. We moved faster, sebab bimbang tak nampak jalan kalau makin gelap. Hujan pun lebat, jalan yang kami lalu tu dah macam sungai air nya. deras. It was totally   the best moments. No others and inside hills. Alhamdulillah, we successfully completed the journey. Waktu kami sampai entrance gate tu, dah malam. We got into the bus and straight to Aqaba. Officially penat :D

February 08, 2012

Day 2 : Dead Sea > Madaba (Mt. Nebo) > Mu'tah


Okay, 2nd day in Jordan or the 1st day of the jaulah ;  we took off from the hostel early in the morning by the coaster or as-we-called-it a mini bus. The 1st destination was to the dead sea. Took about 2 hs from the hostel. The Dead Sea is so magical! So beautiful that even I can't explain. :) :) :)

DEAD SEA. Hmm, factually, it is a lake. Tapi, disebabkan saiz nya seluas lautan dan hampir menyerupai laut, ia dipanggil "Laut Mati". Kemasinan Laut Mati 8 kali ganda kemasinan air laut biasa. Hebat bukan? Subhanallah. There was no marine life living inside the water, neither plants nor fish. Hence, its name. The salinity is very high because of its high minerals content as dead sea is the lowest point of Earth. 
Historically, it was a great prove of punishment of The Lord, ALLAH swt to kaum Luth. Astaghfirullah.. Rasa sangat-sangat bertuah boleh menjejak kan kaki ke tempat bersejarah tu. Furthermore, Laut Mati ni dah included in one of the seven wonders of the Worlds. Hee. *bangga pulak dah* 

Hmm, kat Laut Mati tu, takde buat apa-apa pun. sebab masa diberi pun dua jam sahaja. Cukup untuk picnic and solat zuhur je. Lepas tu, jalan-jalan tepi laut tu, main-main air. Oh, air nya melekit sebab concentrated. Ha,  lepas tu, bila tangan dah kering, boleh nampak biji-biji halus garam melekat di kulit. Hehehe. Masa dekat tepian tu, tengok je orang terapung dalam air. Ya,waktu tu nak sangat ikut terjun dalam laut mati berenang dengan garam. Tapi, memandangkan waktu yang tak mencukupi untuk berkuak lentang atas air, terpaksa dibatalkan saje niat tu. Huhh. and now dah jadi my BIGGEST regret tak terjun sekali dalam air. Yelah, bila lagi ?

Kami solat ramai-ramai kat atas tikar je tepi laut. It was a good feeling as I never did it before. Hee. Then, we moved to Madaba. Perjalanan tu jauh gak, dalam sejam dua. Lupa dah. Tapi sempat tidur lah yang pasti. Hehe.

MADABA. Kat Madaba tu, we went to Mount Nebo. It is a holy place for Christians. As for Muslim, Mt Nebo pun ada disebut dalam sirah Nabi Musa. Hmm, dikatakan Mt. Nebo ni tempat persinggahan terakhir nabi Musa alaihissalam dan Nabi Musa dimakam kan di situ, tapi the exact place of His maqam is unknown. Wallahu'allam. Sorry couldn't tell more sebab tak pasti. Takut jadi kisah lain. Hee. Maaf. :|  
On the top of Mt Nebo, ada tinggalan sisa gereja zaman dahulu. Boleh tengok lagi mosaics-covered floor of the church. Ha, and the church now is rebuild, sponsored by France. There is also a replica of tongkat nabi Musa. tapi, replica je laaa. :) 

From the summit, boleh tengok seluruh Jordan. as it is the highest elevation of Jordan's land. Plus, boleh nampak Masjidil Aqsa kat Jerusalem on a very clear day. Tapi, nasib kami tak berapa nak baik haritu, kitorang tak nampak pun Masjid Al- Aqsa. :(  Then, we having a few shoots up there and moved to the next destination, Mu'tah. Hmm, to tell the truth, masa yang di spare kan di sesebuah destinasi tu sekejap je sebenarnya, tapi disebabkan masa perjalanan ke  satu-satu destinasi tu lama dan jauh. Its took a whole day for two or three places!

MU'TAH. Actually, we did nothing pun kat Mu'tah tu. Sekadar mahu menumpang tidur kat rumah sahabat malam tu. Oh, Mu'tah was veeeeeerryy cold. dalam rumah pun cakap berasap. and the the most epic punya sejuk is rumah tu takde sebarang heater. -.- Sangat sejukkk. Masa duk rilek-rilek okay lah. Bila time nak masuk tandas and nak ambik wuduk. Subhanallah... sejuknya tak terkata. sejuk sampai reach pain. True story. I wore 5 layers of clothes with 2 sweaters just to sleep -.- nasib tak tido pakai winter coat je. plus a muffler and a pair of gloves. -.- *Gaya nak tidur pun macam boleh keluar pergi skating dah*. Pastu mencelah kat between people-who-sleep masuk dalam saratoga besar terus masuk mimpi. Huhuhu.
*End of the day*