December 26, 2012

Communication breakdown


So yesterday, I hang out with one of my Sabahan friend, Nong. And while we were talking, there's a lot of misunderstanding, misinterpretation awkward moments. Haha! Its like I absorbed the words roughly and interpreted em' randomly. *Tongue sticks out

Here's the conversations goes :

#SITUATION 1 (watching a video on Utube)

J : Smooth gile diorang menari.
N: Kan? Haha. Tengok yang ni pulak. Best..hihi...baru study.
J : Eh bila kita study ni? Takde pun *merujuk kpd tarian tersebut*
N: Nanti la
J : Hah?
N: Nanti kita tengok video ni kita study la
J : Heh?......
N: Lepas kita tengok video ni,.. kita studyyy...
J : Oh, lepas habis tengok video ni, baru kita study? study buku? I thought u mean study the dance routine. LOL


N: Eh jue, kau tengok nama blog aku tu bida' tak dengan blog?
J : Hmm ok je aku rasa.
J : Sama je..
N: Apa yang sama?
J : Err.. blog kau? 
J : Aku rasa takde perubahan apa pun
N: ....
N: Bukan, bukan. kau rasa bida' tak?
J : Hmmm ape mksud ko?
J : Bida' tu bukan ke beza ke maksud dia?
N: Hahahahahahaha. Bukan la jue..
N: RINDAZ (nama blog) tu bida tak dengan aku, err, ok tak dgn aku?
J : Oh.. hhehe

*bida : sesuai, padan, etc etc

Therefore, jangan sedap-sedap hati je buat translation words tu, kan dah pening.

Lesson learnt.

December 23, 2012



Epic day. Epic morning. Today is real epic.

I woke up 15mins before the class start, with no water running in the house. Huh. And waking up from a nightmare too. -.-

Therefore, I skipped the first class. By the time of second class, which at 1 pm, I walked down to faculty with Nong as per usual. And thennn, Fiq called me reminding me about the practical test today, which I totally FORGOTTEN about! Shoot! Praktikal kot! With experiments and all that. Danggg!
Kalau teori aku belasah masuk je, even tak prepare pun. Ni praktikal. *Gulp.
So, tettt. Fail!


We managed to the town. Buying some cakes and searching around some stuff. Then Nong got me and herself these super duper cute pouch bags. As a belated birthday present. Aww, so sweet of her :') *Puppy eyes. Love you Nong! Bunch Thanks! Hik.

Hot red actually. Tapi nampak pink sikit kat sini. Oh nvm :)

Later :)

December 21, 2012

Nail Art

Yes or No.

Despite my fanciness towards nail polish slash nail art, I'm still putting myself a slight ground rules to make it more acceptable and subtle to wear it around.
Besides, i just put it on my nails once a month. That time of the month. But sometimes, to release some tension or when im stressing out, i decorate some on my nails just for fun and remove them away a few hours later. Lol.

Lets the picture talks for themselves.







Tips and tricks :

1. Choose a simple and cute designs.
- Minimize my times! I dont want taking a long shot just for the nails. 

2. No excessive glitters.
- Glitters is hard to remove. I need to clear the nail polish out completely to perform an ablution. So, definitely no unnecessary glitters!

3. Wear a base and top coat.
- Just some protection for my nails. Hiding under the layers of nail polish makes the nail unhealthy. Wear a base coat! The top coat secure the nail designs from chipping away and add beautiful shine onto the nail.

4. No need to fully-covered the nails.
- Don't make it hard by painting the nail bed completely. Just paint it on the center. No need to fill them up till reach the cuticles and the edges. It will provides you a clean and tidy design. plus the nail will looks longer!

Picture courtesy of

Have fun!