September 30, 2011



So my ibu flied to Madinah today. Huuu. This is the very first time for ibu going there. and she is soooooooooooo excited and all that. Hehe. Me too, sangat lah excited. :D Semoga ibu mendapat haji yang mabrur insyaALLAH. 

Ameenn :)

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"When I miss you, I gaze at the moon because I know even we're far apart, we're still under the same sky, sharing the same moon" - Ibu


I miss you

September 29, 2011

wake me up when September end


hello hai :) Assalamualaikum. Fuhh, sneezing non stop! and I'm tired. Got panda eyes. Its not like I have sleeping disorder. I'm just tired. I catch a cold and I'm sick. :O alright not proper to say it here. but I guess nobody read this. So, yeah.. Hmm. I was planning to meet Aina today but shes in Giza right now. So, yeah. postponed. My sis will be arriving tomorrow. and September has come to the end. I am sad yet happy. Hehe. Yeah, September had always been my favorite month. but this year, I really hope October will come faster. Hee. I just don't like waiting. and waiting for person makes me really sick. Frankly speaking.  

September this year gave me lotsa memories and I hope I could cherished every moments I have. :) I can't even jot its all down here. ;) 

yaALLAH, I really really hope that somehow October will brings more barakah and luck and everything in between. Hmph, I know this gonna happens if only i made efforts toward its.kan? Somebody told me that. For everything you wished for, you have to make efforts on it or else, it will just stay a wish. :) 

Whoah. I caught a cold and now I mumbling here alone. Haha! Its okay, at least I'm not talking alone. Thats BIG difference there. Hee.

My whole new semester will be on 8th October. 
Wish me all the best. :D

September 25, 2011

Isbir :)


Word of the Day : Isbir.

Isbir (arabic) or Sabar (bahasa)

Isbir. Such an interesting word yet brings the wonderful meaning. I just learned this word (isbir) from Zatie. and I just cant stop using it. Hee. Well, memang aku suka sebut "sabar sabar", so when I get to know this favorite word in Arabic, I just can't stop applying it whenever or wherever needed. Geee. :D

Seems like people get aggressive these days, thus, chillax peep. Just be patient for everything happens for a reason kan ;) I used to be that moody person. yeah, I'm one of them. Such a.. er okay forget it. I usually get angry on silly stuff easily when my mood's swinging around. Hehe. Pity people around me. Especially my poor roomie sorang ni. Err, Sorry. Sangat sangat. Hmm, well it is not good for health kan. Lagi lagi orang muda cam kita ni. Nanti cepat tua :B Tak perlu lah marah marah. Tak cool lah. :D Apa apa pun sabar.

When you angry, you'll thinks irrelevantly, take things frivolously and you tend to hurt people around you, and worst you hurt your love, family. Seriously, free advice. :)

Why I know? because I've been there. I used to be the one. :) But, no worry, I'm trying to be better. I can't say not anymore but I can say I'm trying to-no-to anymore. alright? :)

ps. dear roomie, I'm sorry for the wrongs deed I did. Honestly, I am sorry :(
*though we decided case close, aku nak jugak post sini.hee*

September 23, 2011

when there is you and me


I'm writing about my bestfriend. My other half. So, if you are not interested, feel free to leave the page. No offense! :) Seriously, I'm not taking your time reading this entry ;) So yeah..

She. It is she. Not a girl, but not yet a woman. A lady perhaps.
 I met her when I was thirteen. Back when in mrsm yt. 

First day I enrolled, I owe her a big favor. HUGE. I remember it was the uniform try-out session in a lecture hall. I wasn't able that time when my name is called out by a strict, annoyed warden Mr.R *not his real name* and to go up there picking a size. We were freshie that time. so nobody have a gut enough to stand up and speak out. Well, some of them were homesick back then I supposed. Hee. Same goes to me. Haa, and he called my name bout 3 times and his voice getting louder and sounds angrier. He's about to call for the fourth time when she stands up and heading forward. She claimed she is me! I was surprised. She was confident. With suspicious glare, the warden handed her a pair of uniform and asked her to check it out. She went backstage to try out. minutes later, she came back. the warden gaze at her, asking if its okay. She said yes and I can see a smirk from the line of his lips. Gosh, I knew something doesn't right that time. He unfolded the uniform and it is a man's. Busted! 
Nevertheless, she stay calm and said, she did not try the uniform. Luckily, the warden let her off the stage. and I guess she officially hated me.

I was wrong.

We were in the same classroom since Form 1. I wasn't that close with her that time though we're in the same group (gang) with 6. We sat next to each other. Talking, laughing, gossiping.. Then, we begin to get to know deeper and deeper. When I skipped evening prep, she did. When she skipped assembly, I did. Next thing I know, we were doing every each and everything both. Sneaking to the academic hall when there's a meeting, running from Mr.Anuar and fly out to my home in the weekend. They are simple sweet memories of child for us. We growing up together. 2008, we both offered to pursue in mrsm pc. We were more them happy to have each other in a new exciting environment.

Yes, there were times when we didn't agree each other. There were times we didn't talked. There were times when we didn't looked at each others eyes. But know what? That makes us closer. They were never lasted long as whenever or whatever we got anger on, we still sleep beside each others on the same bed sharing the same pillow at night. discussing, having a heart to heart conversation, apologizing. 

She is in my family. We are great together. I love creating memories with her. She is in Malaysia now and we are never apart, though far in distant. With ALLAH's blessing, I hope my friendship with her last forever. We both hope, the friendship knots I tied with her will bring me closer to Allah the Creator. Ameenn. insyaALLAH :)

I miss you

dedicate to ;


September 21, 2011

doa dan anugerah


hey :) Okay, sumpah lama tak update. hehe. Ye lah haritu aku exam kan. So, tak ber belog lah *padahal Facebook and Twitter 24/7 kot!* Hmph. Okay there's nothing on my mind except for the 'Dur thani' results yang masih tak tahu akan keluar bila. Erk! Sumpah cuak. So, sama sama lah kita doa kan eh for the excellent results for all of us :) Syukran awi awi lovers ;) Sesungguhnya aku tak nak carry paper. Ya ALLAH bantu aku :) 

Izzati dah balek Egypt four days ago :D weee! and thanks to her boleh lah rase kuih raya! Thanks much! Enough mumbling :X Lets get to the real bussiness. Okay, post title punya lah pergh kan. hehe. saje nak buat gempak. what? tak gempak. tak apa lah. :) still fine.

Regarding to my Dur thani Exam. I've learnt a lot :) and even better, I received much loves and tender kind from people around me. sangat appreciate itu. :') even, lagi ramai yang bagi kata kata semangat untuk aku :) Terima Kasih sangat. ALLAH tak kan memberi ujian kepada seseorang hambaNya melainkan yang mampu ditanggung oleh nya. Di sini, aku tahu aku mampu untuk hadapi ujian Nya, dengan bantuan family and friends. Yeah, at first memang aku rasa aku tak mampu dan tiada kekuatan nak hadapi semua ini. This is the first time for me. and I felt down. Serious. memang aku rasa macam end of the world. Nevertheless, I got relaxed and I have ALLAH to put my faith in. So, I tried my best for the second time. and I do pray for ALLAH to give me chance to give my best again. This is not the end. He knows what best for me. :) 

~ Aku mohon yang terbaik dari Mu ya ALLAH ~