June 15, 2012



It crossed my mind long time ago, to post about my wish list. So, here I am today. Hee. and the list goes on randomly without any priorities so dont get a wrong idea. Here they goes..

1. Become a Hajjah.

2. Buy an iPad.

3. Get a scholar.

4. Backpacking / travelling around the World.

5. Have a bakery / nursery.

6. Excellent in studying.

7. Buy a watch for my sisters.

8. Have a SLR. (AE-100 specifically)

9. Get married and live in UK. (single is also accepted)

10.  Good in swimming

I update later. This only ten. and its actually goes up to hundreds. Hehe. Kidding!
Alright seems like anatomy is calling out my name. Take care peeps. Love