February 07, 2012

Day 1 : The Arrival


Alhamdulillah, dah lama tak update blog ni. Okay, these upcoming posts is all about my holiday. So, if you are not interested, you can get going. I'm warning you its a looooooooong posts as ibu wants to hear all of my stories. Hehe. Then, here we go...

It was raining on my arrival. Veryyy cold. 10 am if I'm not mistaken. Together with Kak Mie, Ah and Kak Mai. Abe long picked us up at the airport. We're took a ride in a "pick-up". (thats what they called it) Its a truck. Its took more than an hour to reach Mafraq. Uhh, I could find many olive's tree all the way there. It was the first time for me. So, kinda excited. Ye lah, selama ni tahu makan je, tapi tak pernah tengok pokok dia. Hehe. Hm, as we reached the hostel, as known as "sakan" in Arabic, we met kak long. Huh, lama kot tak jumpa :D Oh, hostel tu sangat selesa. Semua equipments ada. View pun cantik, and paling penting kat dalam dia tu warm. Hehehe. Lagi warm dari rumah ku di Mesir ni. -.- 

After having a lunch, we're went out to "balad" (small town). Petang tu pusing-pusing balad je. Tak de buat apa-apa pun. Temankan kak long beli barang-barang untuk bekal travel esoknya. Kak Mie bought a pair of shoes for walking in Petra as she only brought her flat to Jordan. Then, we head back to sakan.

That night, we did nothing except packing our stuff for the jaulah starting early next morning. Ah, and for the jaulah, there were 15 of us. 4 guys and 11 female. Shall I tell their name? Okay, they includes me, kak long, kak mie, fatihah, kak maisarah, kak putri, kak miedah, kak syahida, kak ila, kak nusaibah, kak zaleha, abe long, firdaus, ust khairy and ust naim. Alright, thats all for the first day in Jordan :) 

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