April 13, 2011

bestfriends :)


dear diary,

hari hi aku rinduuuuuuu sangat kat nerah and sadiq.rasa nak balik.i want to be homed.

haaa,nerah xdapat interview maktab.uh.pity her.
sangat sedih.tapi takpe,mungkin guru bukan kerjaya nerah.as for me,nerah sesuai jugak jadi lawyer.dia saaaangat pandai manipulate cakap orang.hah.dulu bila time aku rasa nak marah dengan dia,
salu je xjadi.tergelak ada la. (i wish i got that skill)

*back to the topic
ala,kat mana mana pong mesti ada rezeki dia kan?

sadiq pulak; he's just got an interview as a music tec.*fantastic huh? sangat sesuai kan.jadi cikgu math pong sesuai jugok dengan sadiq n.kahkah.*seriously! 
anyway,all the best for him :) 
and oh, goodluck for your exam this friday.


hmmm.esok kak mirae, izyan and I buat pot luck.kecik kecik jee,just for us.
*mirae's idea.
she's planning on curry mamak, izyan will prepare some breakfast.egg sandwiches kot.as for me,nothing but just a trifle la(tu je yang aku tahu buat)hee.
future,nak try buat caramel puding.dah lama teringin nak buat tapi takde masa(disebabkan masa yang ada dihabiskan untuk tido)

okay,gotta go.

see you :)


  1. sedap woooo,sluurrrpppppppppppp ;p *sedow mg jue,pah ko aku gilo supo mg =..=

  2. mereng2 la saim2 aku loni..mari pelik2 nyakit nok exam
