September 25, 2011

Isbir :)


Word of the Day : Isbir.

Isbir (arabic) or Sabar (bahasa)

Isbir. Such an interesting word yet brings the wonderful meaning. I just learned this word (isbir) from Zatie. and I just cant stop using it. Hee. Well, memang aku suka sebut "sabar sabar", so when I get to know this favorite word in Arabic, I just can't stop applying it whenever or wherever needed. Geee. :D

Seems like people get aggressive these days, thus, chillax peep. Just be patient for everything happens for a reason kan ;) I used to be that moody person. yeah, I'm one of them. Such a.. er okay forget it. I usually get angry on silly stuff easily when my mood's swinging around. Hehe. Pity people around me. Especially my poor roomie sorang ni. Err, Sorry. Sangat sangat. Hmm, well it is not good for health kan. Lagi lagi orang muda cam kita ni. Nanti cepat tua :B Tak perlu lah marah marah. Tak cool lah. :D Apa apa pun sabar.

When you angry, you'll thinks irrelevantly, take things frivolously and you tend to hurt people around you, and worst you hurt your love, family. Seriously, free advice. :)

Why I know? because I've been there. I used to be the one. :) But, no worry, I'm trying to be better. I can't say not anymore but I can say I'm trying to-no-to anymore. alright? :)

ps. dear roomie, I'm sorry for the wrongs deed I did. Honestly, I am sorry :(
*though we decided case close, aku nak jugak post sini.hee*

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