July 11, 2011



fuh, lama tak coret coret kat sini. hmph, what am i up on now? -actually, im looking for a new house *for those yang duk Egypt please do keep silent okay. Im not gonna tell anyone here yet.Thankyou*  Errr. benda ni xsure lagi sebenarnya. Aku and Ah still tengah fikir lagi. As we decide on, I'll definitely tell you here :) Someone had already promote a house, err two houses actually, for us. One of them seems kinda interesting and look homey which is I do require. yeah! i need a house that can makes me feel homed. feel like its belong to me. welcoming me warmly *sentimental huh* whatever lah kan. -.-

Rumah sekarang ni okay. Bilik dah sangat lah cukup besar. Selesa gila. boleh golek golek, pum pang pum pang sana sini. nak buat marathon pon boleh *exaggerate* like seriously selesa. Wardrobe memang kecik tapi buat masa sekarang ni boleh lah nk afford baju aku tu. Ada meja study. Lengkap. Tapi kan, masalahnya..ha, let me tell you. rumah ni tingkat 5, so air susah nak naik. memang selalu je takde air. dah biasa dah takde air n. tapi, ye lah xselesa. can you imagine pagi pagi terbangun lambat nk pegi kuliah or worse, nk pegi exam. nak buat cmne? err.  Syukur alhamdulillah exam haritu tak pernah jadi macam tu. syukurr sangat :) 

One more thing, dapur sekarang ni kecik je.Well, its not a big deal pon kan. tapi yeah, masalah sama. air. nak wash dishes susah. ada je yang tersimpan dalam sink tu. What an eyesore -.- 
Then, bila takde air ni, nak masak pun susah la. hmph!
So guys, should I or shouldn't move out from the house ?

Ha, tapi kan tandas rumah ni sangat lah best. BESAR gila! like seriously luas. selesa oh. hehee. sayang toilet n. heh.

Aku seriously tak decide lagi. hmph, well. okay ah. i'll tell you when i decide ;)

ps. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dearest friend,   Hajar   and   Zafe   !

1 comment:

  1. pindah2!! jgn xpindah. tp rumah kat qaumiah bukan ke mahal.. huhu.. how about pindah kafr dzin? hehehe..
