August 25, 2011

can you tell how i love kpop


hey :) lately, im being indulge and drown back into Kpop. *winkwink*
setelah sekian lama aku meninggalkan perkara perkara yang tidak berfaedah ini, kini aku mengamalkan semuanya kembali sekali gus. :B 

semua ni gara gara Mr.Simple! He pulled me back to this black hole. hoo yeah! and currently im listening to these ;  Mr.Simple Mona Lisa , UGLY , Good bye baby etc etc. Sometimes, kpop songs' lyrics ni boleh jadi mengarut. tambah tambah, bila ada english lyrics inbetween. memang langsung aku tak faham apa yang diorang nak sampaikan thru the lyrics. suka suka hati je masukkan words tu. asalkan bunyi sedap. hahaha. still, I love it :D Its their's charisma tho ;)

Its all started with Sorry sorry by Super Junior. my first ever kpop song. back when I was in Mrsm Pc. then, it goes to three, four songs.. up to now. which even I dont know how much. yeah, I know its a worldwide phenomenon.hehe. Everyone is talking bout kpop and jpop. me one of them.

ha, and here goes my top 5 reasons why I love kpop ;

1. yess! mereka sangat sangat kyute.

2. they got moves. cool choreographs. 

3.  they funny.

4. good songs and music. (lyrics is excluded)

5. Its a world phenomenon. HAHA!

Korean movies and all the dramas are superb *well, not all of them of course* but most of them are good. they got looks, gadgets, fairy-tales story and all of that. It just makes me wants to be part of them :)) 

thats all. 

love from a fan of ;